The first stage of the XXIII International Competition by Petro Yatsyk

November 9th, 2022, the 1st stage of the XXIII International Competition by Petro Yatsik was carried out by the Department of Fundamental and Language Training


The first stage of the XXIII International Competition by Petro YatsykNovember 9th, 2022, the 1st stage of the 23rd Petro Yatsik International Competition was carried out by  the Department of Fundamental and Language Training.

Students of all faculties and specialties participated. A slide-illustrated story about one of the most interesting figures of the 20th century – the Ukrainian philanthropist and founder of the competition Petro Yatsik – was presented.

The students were introduced to the conditions and the deadline for completing the tasks.

The results of the competition will be announced on November 14, 2022 on the websites of the Department of Fundamental and Language Training  and the National University of Pharmacy.

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